What is Liposuction and what are the types of Liposuction?
- Posted on: Mar 15 2017
Liposuction, also referred to as lipoplasty, is referred to a procedure that breaks up and sucks out and removes the fat in specific part(s) of the body. It helps restore and enhance contour and proportionality of those parts compared to the rest of the body. It is typically used for areas such as neck, back, breasts, arms, abdomen, flanks, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. When considered and executed safely, this procedure is often associated with only mild pain, discomfort and bruising, extreme patient satisfaction and early return to work and other activities. Patients are advised to wear a moderately tight and compressive garment around the suctioned area for about three months and follow the proper lifestyle of diet and exercise in order to maintain the new contoured shape. It is not intended for extreme weight loss as excessive fat removal at one time may be associated with serious postoperative side effects.
Liposuction can be safely performed via several accepted proven techniques:
A. Tumescent liposuction, the gold standard of the liposuction, is a process by which a large amount of fluid including Lidocaine and Epinephrine is injected into the intended area via a tiny incision and the fat is broken down and removed via the same incision(s) using small cannulas until satisfactory contour is achieved. It can be done under minimal sedation, regional or general anesthesia, usually as out-patient.
B. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, a process by which ultrasound is used to liquefy fat for easier removal through the same type of cannula.
C. Laser-assisted liposuction, or also called “smart lipo”, uses safe low-energy waves to break up and liquefy fat prior to its removal via the same cannulas.
In all, postoperative management includes wearing a tight compressive garment for about three months in addition to proper lifestyle of diet and exercise in order to maintain the new contour.
Posted in: Body Contouring Surgeon